Meet some of our alumni whose creative journey began here at RWCMD.
Draughtsperson and Model-maker
Emily graduated from RWCMD in 2017 with an MA in Design for Performance.
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‘The College’s Design for Performance Master’s course gave me many things I didn't realise I needed at the time. Only years later, do I fully appreciate the impact of what I learned. The course not only challenged how I expressed my conceptual ideas but also gave me the confidence to present them in a room full of people. Exchanging ideas with students from diverse backgrounds around the world was incredibly exciting and formative for me as a young student.
The Linbury Prize for theatre design was something I had been excited about even before starting my Master’s. After graduating, I went straight into the Linbury and became a finalist at the National Theatre. I couldn’t quite believe my luck, but I credit Royal Welsh College for getting my portfolio to a level where I could apply successfully. As a result, my work was seen by a huge number of people at the National Theatre, leading to opportunities with the Danish National Opera, associate assisting roles, and positions in film and TV.
Working with Royal Welsh College design alumni has been a wonderful, ongoing part of my career. I met many of them at College, and the friendships I’ve made have been a truly lovely aspect of my journey.’Emily Bates