Meet some of our alumni whose creative journey began here at RWCMD.
Debbie graduated from RWCMD in 2019 with an MA in Design for Performance.
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‘What’s brilliant about the Design for Performance Master’s course at the Royal Welsh College is that you can come without knowing everything. This is important because, when you're older, you’re often expected to know quite a lot. It’s refreshing to be met with a ‘we’re going to start from scratch’ approach. We were shown how the industry works, and this is what you can explore for yourself. The freedom to explore while knowing that support is available when needed was invaluable.
The training was brilliant and gave me the confidence to continue. Winning the Linbury Prize for stage design was a catalyst in carrying on my journey. Having the opportunity to platform and exhibit my work so early in my career has really helped me get to where I am now — not just through exposure, but also through the people I met along the way.
Last year, I received the Black British Theatre Award for theatre design. It was a lovely marker, a reminder to keep going because people do see and recognise the work.’Debbie Duru