Meet some of our alumni whose creative journey began here at RWCMD.
Actor, writer and director
Jimmy graduated from RWCMD in 2011 with a BA Acting.
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‘I didn't start acting until I was 17. By the time I realised this was something I wanted to do - or could do - it felt like a big thing. I didn’t know any actors, artists, or anyone working in theatre or the arts. Going to the Royal Welsh College of Music and Drama was the start of my journey, not just as an actor, but as an artist.
With the training I got and by creating my theatre company Not Too Tame, I’ve found a way to do two things. One is to create work for people who feel like theatre isn’t for them - whether that’s the art form or the building itself. The other is to show that it can be a viable career.
I come from a working-class background in Warrington, where people don’t really do this kind of stuff. We don’t have a theatre or an independent music venue. But if I can send out a Bat-Signal to other working-class people of any age, making them feel like this is for them, then I’ve done my job.
And that all came from the College supporting something I had an instinct I wanted to do. I didn’t want to wait for the phone to ring. I wanted to elbow my way to the bar of the industry and that’s where I stayed.’Jimmy Fairhurst