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Thank you

We would like to thank those public bodies, individuals, trusts, foundations and business sponsors who have contributed to the College and who continue to support us.

Business Support

Ambersphere Solutions Ltd
Arts and Business Cymru
Bad Wolf
Hugh James
ITV Studios
John Lewis Partnership
Unite Students 


Dame Shirley Bassey FRWCMD
The Biss Family
Philip Carne MBE FRWCMD and Christine Carne FRWCMD
Professor Indira Carr
Hywel and Mary George
The family of the late Alan Good
The late Eira and Don Halley
Linda and Tony Hill
The late Elaine Hugh-Jones
The late Keith James
The late Leonard and Marian Jones
The late Peter Kearney
The late Barbara Knapton and Kathleen Cavill
The family of the late Sir Charles Mackerras CBE FRWCMD
Samantha Maskrey
Sean Mathias
The late Eluned McGrenary
The late Arthur Morris Jones 
Gregory Nasmyth and the Hon. Samantha Rowe-Beddoe
Robin and Sophia Neill
Richard Parry 
Alan Peterson OBE, Maggie Peterson and Hywel Peterson
The late Gwenllian Phillips in memory of her husband
The late Phoebe Ida Phillips
Dr David Pollak
The late Eileen Price
Janet Price FRWCMD
The late Trevor Pugsley
John Rath and John Underwood
The late Ron Redwood
Carlo Rizzi FRWCMD
The Lord Rowe-Beddoe DL and Lady Rowe-Beddoe
The late David Seligman OBE FRWCMD and the Phillip Seligman legacy
The late Jacqueline Skarvellis
Sir Ian Stoutzker CBE FRWCMD
Sir Howard Stringer FRWCMD and Lady Jennifer Stringer
Peter and Janet Swinburn
Babs and Debs Thomas
The late Neil Haydn Webber
Ted and Val Yates
Catherine Zeta-Jones CBE FRWCMD

The Chairs’ Circle

Hugo and Elinor Blick
John Derrick and Preben Oeye
Richard Lloyd-Owen and Patricia Cabrera
Peter Saunders OBE
Roger Munnings CBE and Karen Munnings
The Lord Rowe-Beddoe DL and The Lady Rowe-Beddoe
Atlantic Property Development PLC (Babs Thomas)
Mr and Mrs Vyvyan and Valerie Ferrer

The '49 Circle

Thanks to those who have remembered RWCMD in their will.

Public Bodies

Arts Council of Wales
First Campus
Higher Education Funding Council for Wales
Welsh Government

Trusts and Foundations

Albert and Eugenie Frost Music Trust
Andrew Lloyd Webber Foundation
Ann Driver Trust
Antares Trust
Anthony G Woolcott Charitable Trust
Backstage Trust
British Schools & Universities Foundation
Clive Richards Foundation
Colin Keer Trust
Colwinston Charitable Trust
D'Oyly Carte Charitable Trust
Finzi Trust
Foyle Foundation
Gareth Jones Trust
Gaynor Cemlyn Jones Trust
Girdlers' Company Trust
Helen Rachael Mackaness Charitable Trust
Joseph Strong Frazer Trust
Julian Bream Trust
Kathleen Trust
Leverhulme Trust
Linbury Trust
Mackintosh Foundation
Mosawi Foundation
Nick Lewis Memorial Trust
Simon Gibson Charitable Trust
Sir John Gielgud Charitable Trust
Sophie's Silver Lining Fund
South Square Trust
Spielman Charitable Trust
Starmer Jones Music Trust
Thriplow Charitable Trust
Tillett Trust
UK Friends of the Felix Mendelssohn Bartholdy Foundation
Universal Music UK Sound Foundation
Waterloo Foundation
Wolfson Foundation

Transform Appeal

We would like to thank all donors to the recent Transform Appeal, including those who choose to remain anonymous.

Wei Hong Duan • Yimei McCabe • The Mosawi Foundation • James and Andrea Clarke • Reed and Christine Halladay • Norris and Tori Whitmore • CPA Global • Alan and Maggie Peterson • Alan Rogers • Western Power Distribution • Alison Atkins Crowther • Sir Anthony and Lady Evans • Scott and Lynsey Fisher • Danny and Carmela Hargreaves • Paul and Mary Higgins • Sara Pearce • Gareth Skelding and Rhys Griffiths • Ian Stoutzker CBE FRWCMD and Mercedes Stoutzker • Peter and Janet Swinburn • Edward Thomas FRWCMD and Nathalie Thomas • Alan and Susanne Thomas • Causeway • Welsh Government • Gregory Nasmyth and The Hon. Samantha Rowe-Beddoe • Hywel and Elizabeth Ball • Carol Bell • British Schools and Universities Foundation • Kate Burton FRWCMD • David and Annwen Carey-Evans • William and Rhiannon Carey-Evans • Clive and Isobel Carr • Alexander Chandler and Laura Bottega • Christopher and Andrea Costa • James Cronin and Simon Pearson • John Derrick and Preben Oeye • Charles H Duggan • Anita George • Hywel and Mary George • Christopher and Caroline Hacking • Antares Trust • Peter and Cynthia Hardy • Huw and Jacqui Jenkins • Nancy Lee • Jeremy and Julie Llewelyn • Capt Sir Norman Lloyd-Edwards KVCO GCSt J RD JPRNR FRWCMD • Lloyd George Asia Foundation • Lord and Lady MacGregor • Christopher Moorsom OBE • Sir Idris Pearce CBE TD DL • Mark and Denise Poulton • Great Western Railway • The Red Butterfly Foundation • Menna Richards OBE FRWCMD • Martyn and Anne Ryan • Kenneth and Hazel Sievewright • Michael and Heather Slade • John and Susan Stanion • The Viscountess St Davids • Steinway & Sons • Rod and Julie Stevenson • Lucy Stout • Claire Thomsett • Liza Todd Tivey • Werner and Elizabeth Walbroel • Robin Wilkinson and Ken Watters

Patron Connect Gold

Dr Carol Bell • Geraint Talfan Davies OBE • Janet Davies •  Professor Helena Gaunt • Hywel and Mary George • Brian Gilbert • Ray Holman • Hywel Ceri and Morwenna Jones • Christine Lewis OBE • Christopher Moorsom OBE and Mere Moorsom • Sara Naudi and Prof. Mark Layton • Sir Idris Pearce • Alan Peterson OBE and Maggie Peterson • Joe Pillman • The late Sir Antony Reardon Smith and Lady Reardon Smith • Sylvia Richards • Carlo Rizzi FRWCMD and Lucy Stout • Betsan Roberts • Dr Brian Roper • Babs Thomas OBE • Martin Tinney and Nicholas Yarr • Robin Wilkinson and Kenneth Watters • Ted and Val Yates

Patron Connect

Dame Hilary Boulding DBE FRWCMD • Ken Griffin • Linda James • Graham and Dorothy Jones • Captain Sir Norman Lloyd-Edwards FRWCMD • Liz and Gary Maloney • Menna Richards OBE FRWCMD • Sir Paul and Lady Silk • Simon Smail CBE • Howard Weeks

College Connect Gold

Pandora Allin • Dr Mary Browning • Peter Bryant and Ann Saalbach • Professor Paul Cantrill and Mrs Beryl Cantrill • Douglas Dalwood • Mark Davies • Sonia Davies • Mr Christopher Greene and Annmaree O’Keeffe • Peter and Jane Hordley • Clare Kimber • Professor Dame Julie Lydon OBE • Suzanne Pari • Steven Tyrer • Nicholas Pollock • Cynthia Pulsford • Cynthia Roberts • Paul Rothwell  • Judith Mary Tanner • Roger and Rhian Thomas • Muriel Weeks • Brian Weir • Judith Wilkins • Gareth Williams • Marie Wood

College Connect

Scott Allin • David Bacon • Paul and June Bewers • Emily Binns • David Botterill • R & A Botterill • Jenny Broughton MBE • Ann E Bryan • Janet Dewes • Dr Andrew Donlan • Timothy and Alison Down • The Emlyn Jones Family • Judith Jones • David Francis • Helen and Glyn Evans • Philip Gibbins • John Green • John Hardy •  Edwina Hart MBE FRWCMD • Nick Hawkins • Andrew Healy • Ray Heath • Geoff Hollett • Gloria Jenkins • Gwenan Jenkins-Jones • Gareth Matthewson OBE • Barbara and Merfyn Jones • Mrs J C Jones • Richard and Jenny Jones • Diana Langmaid • Geraldine Martin • Anthony and Rosemary Mason • John Mason • Tabitha Moore • Shirley Parry • Dr Heather Payne • Mike Perry • Debs Pitman • Lynne Plummer • Ceridwen Roberts • Sylvia Robert-Sargeant • Ann Saalbach and Peter Bryant • Tilly Scott • Elizabeth Stokes • Kate Stokes Davies • Jemma Terry • Gareth and Trish Thomas • Hilary Thomas • Jane and Mike Tooby • Louisa Turner • Sara and Harry West • Timothy White • Sheila Whitfield • Susan Whitford • Robin and Sally Young

Friends Connect

David Allen • Len and Kath Bartlett • Judith Bond • Paul Bowen • Patricia and Ken Brinkworth • Marilyn Broadstock • Rita Burtch • Carol Cobert • Jeffrey and Rose Coles • Joyce Davidson • Jean Davies• Ksenia Dreyer • Tamsin Evans • John R Evans • Janet and Gareth Evans • Miriam Evans • Peter and Jill Ferdinando • Fred and Betty Fox • Isobel Gelder • Brian Gilbert • Eluned Goode • Rees Govier • Wendy Grey-Lloyd • Vera Griffith • Bette Griffiths • David Harris • Tony and Suzanne Hazell • Eryl Hicks • Colin Hicks • Duncan Hockridge • Patricia Holbrook • Catherine Holden • Elisabeth Hotchkiss • Alun and Rhiannon John • Howard Johnson • Kathleen Jones • Leslie Jones • Olivia Jones • Alison and David Kitchen • Amanda Lakin • Judith Land • Ann Lewis • Doreen Marshall and David Harris • Alan and Pauline Matthews • Jan Matty • Eluned McGrenery • Rod McKerlich • Christine Mullins • John Anthony Napier • Jane Newman • Lesley and John Noaks • Marian and Colin Oliver • John and Margaret Phillips • William Roberts • Ceri Rossiter • Vera and Pat Ruddock • Kerry Russell • Emma Salter • Michael and Anne Scales • David Singleton • C and O Sirrell • Terrence and Janet Smith • Col R A & Mrs R M Taylor • Andrew Teal • Dewi and Betty Thomas • Margaret Thomas • Maureen Thomas • John Tolan • Maria Tucker • Franz Von Habsburg • Rita White • Karen Whitecross • Susan Whitford • Chris Woolley • Michael Young


Thank you to all those Individuals, Trusts and Businesses who provide a Prize at the College.

The Anjool Maldé Memorial Trust • Bridgewood & Neitzert • Cardiff Business Club • Cardiff New Theatre Society (1965-1997) • Crowthers of Canterbury • Siân Cobb and Grace Gilmore-James • Sara Codrington • Sean Crowley, Ian Evans and Dave Roxburgh • Siân Davies and Janice Rees • June Emerson Wind Music • The Daniel Emlyn Davies Award • The Prudence Emlyn-Jones Fund • The English Speaking Union • The Eifion Evans Memorial Award • Ev-entz • The late Edmond Fivet CBE FRWCMD • All Flutes Plus • Principal Helena Gaunt • Brian Gilbert • The Lucille Graham Trust • Guitar Circus • Harlequin Agency • The late Mr John Hinley • The John Ireland Trust • Just Flutes • The Valetta Iacopi Memorial Prize and Mrs Joann Holbrough • Howarth of London • The Jon Awards Trust • Ursula Jones PhD OBE • Mrs JM Lawton of Oswestry • The late Mabel Linwood Christopher • Anne Loveland • Crispin Lowrey • The Midori Matsui Memorial Prize • Mrs E H McGrenery • John Mills • Chris Mowat and David Triggel • The Musicians’ Union • Hannah O’Keefe • Stella Patrick and friends • Peter Symonds’ College • Hugh Phillips • Côr Meibion Pontypridd • Eileen Price • The Florence Mary Proctor Scholarship • The late Trevor Pugsley • John Rath and John Underwood • The Royal Welch Fusiliers • Vanessa Refson • Kym Roberts • Lord Rowe-Beddoe • The late David Seligman OBE FRWCMD and the Philippa Seligman legacy • The Sharp Family and Declan Hamilton • The late Mrs Edith Thomas • The John Thomas (Merthyr Tydfil) Memorial Award • Elizabeth Varney • The late Marcia Watts • Beryl Weale • Philippa Whitelaw Yardley Award • Lady Veena Williams • The Worshipful Livery Company of Wales • The late Dr David Wynne Thomas

We remain immensely grateful to those public bodies, individuals, trusts, foundations and business sponsors who gave their support to our  Capital Campaign: A Stage for Success. The new training and performance spaces at the College provided the foundation for a new phase in the College’s history.

Welsh Government • University of South Wales • Cardiff Council • Higher Education Funding Council for Wales • Ian Stoutzker CBE FRWCMD • The Foyle Foundation • The Garfield Weston Foundation • The Linbury Trust • The Wolfson Foundation • MADSU Ltd, the RWCMD Students’ Union • Anthony and Elizabeth Bunker • Diane and Henry Engelhardt CBE • Hywel and Mary George • Prof and Mrs David Halton FRWCMD • The late John Hinley • Peter and Anne Mathias • Vincent McNabb • Christopher Nott • Sir David and Lady Prosser • The Lord and Lady Rowe-Beddoe • The late David Seligman OBE FRWCMD and the Philippa Seligman legacy • Sir Howard and Lady Stringer FRWCMD • The late Dame Elizabeth Taylor and family • Edward Yates • The Clore Duffield Foundation • The Coutts Charitable Trust • The Dunard Fund • The Foundation for Sport and the Arts • The G C Gibson Charitable Trust • The Gwendoline and Margaret Davies Charity • The Idlewild Trust • The Landfill Community Fund • The Simon Gibson Charitable Trust • Sir Siegmund Warburg’s Voluntary Settlement • The Waterloo Foundation • Boomerang • Capital Law LLP • Champagne Pommery • Davis Langdon • Grant Thornton • Hilton Cardiff • Helical Bar Wales plc • Land Securities • Liberty Living • Pitney Bowes • PMH Properties • St David’s 2 • Steinway & Sons • Western Power Distribution • Professor John Andrews CBE • Owain Arwel Hughes FRWCMD • Pippa Bartolotti • Dame Shirley Bassey FRWCMD • Hilary Boulding • Rob Brydon FRWCMD • Professor Indira Carr • Philip Carne FRWCMD & Christine Carne FRWCMD • Elizabeth & Edmond Fivet CBE FRWCMD • Brian Gilbert • Ioan Gruffudd FRWCMD • Terry Hands FRWCMD • Valerie Hodges • David Jackson • Dr Karl Jenkins CBE FRWCMD • Robert John • Sir Tom Jones FRWCMD • Professor Harryono Judodihardjo • Neil & Glenys Kinnock • Captain Sir Norman Lloyd-Edwards FRWCMD • Charles Lloyd-Jones • John & Margaret Phillips • Michael & Cora McGrane • The late Angharad Rees FRWCMD • Carlo Rizzi FRWCMD & Lucy Stout • Trevor Shortman • Babs Thomas OBE • Corris Thomas • Roger Thomas • The late Marcia Watts

Also, everyone who supported our Take Your Seat Campaign  (Patron, Rob Brydon) and our Royal Gala at Buckingham Palace, many members of College staff who gave generously and several donors who wish to remain anonymous.

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