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Charlotte Pawley

Year of graduation: 2025

British soprano Charlotte Pawley graduated from Oxford University with a degree in English before completing her MMus at RWCMD, and is now studying in the David Seligman Opera School. She is the 2023 winner of the Eileen Price Prize for Lieder Singing, and The Elias Singing Prize for Sopranos.

Recent engagements at RWCMD include Sandmann (Hänsel und Gretel), Sister Catherine (Dialogue of the Carmelites); Marzelline (Fidelio), Zerlina (Don Giovanni), Naiad (Ariadne auf Naxos), Frasquita (Carmen), Second Neice (Peter Grimes) in RWCMD opera scenes and Charlotte (Der Diktator) at the Leeds Opera Festival.

Charlotte is a Sybil Tutton Opera Award holder and supported by the Jenkin-Phillips Scholarships.

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