Student Support for Mental Health #MentalHealth AwarenessWeek
It’s Mental Health Awareness Week and this year’s theme is stress. We’re well on our way into the summer term, and although that may mean blue skies and longer days – a welcome change for some of us – it’s also that time of year when lots of students have exams or assessments and might experience high levels of stress.

The College is piloting a scheme with new students to help them focus on feedback rather than the awarded mark. This all adds to the many services available to help students cope with the mental health and wellbeing issues specific to studying at a Conservatoire. You can read more about this here.
'The services, and resources we have at the College help students to develop emotional resilience as they study, giving them perspective and preparing them for future life. We provide a supportive environment, where students can come to us for advice, from before day one.'Brian WeirDirector of Student Experience
The range of services provides invaluable psychological and practical support to students from the moment they enrol, through counselling services, resources and mentors.
You can read a BBC article on this and the wider mental health awareness in universities story on BBC News online.
Tackling stress
Last year, we highlighted the issues of stress at conservatoires, giving some tips on how to manage stress and who to contact for support: